Movie To play this movie, double click it. Movie badge To show the movie’s controls, click the movie badge. Size box To change the height and width of the movie, drag the size box. To resize the movie to an optimal size, hold down the option key while dragging. Step buttons To step the movie forward or backward by a single frame, click the right or left step button. Play bar thumb To see any part of the movie, drag the play bar thumb. This will not affect the selection. Play bar To see any part of the movie, click or drag in the play bar. This will lose the selection. Play bar To see any part of the movie, click or drag in the play bar. To select part of the movie, hold down the shift key while dragging. Play bar To see any part of the movie, click or drag in the play bar. Play button To play the movie, click the play button. While the movie is playing, this button will pause the movie. Volume control To adjust the movie’s volume, click the volume control and drag to the left. Not available now because this movie has no sound. Volume control To adjust the movie’s volume, click the volume control and adjust the slider. Movie Controller Click it to make it active.